Space Fields

Thermal-structural analysis and design of common bulkhead propellant tanks for the smallsat launch vehicle

소형 발사체용 공통격벽 탱크에 대한 구조 설계와 해석

Efficient bulkhead structure design of common bulkhead propellant tank

Heat transfer & structural analysis of common bulkhead propellant tank

Development of structural/thermal design and analysis methodologies for the electronic equipment in the payload of a satellite

위성 탑재체 전장품에 대한 구조/열 설계 및 해석 기법 개발

Development of a pyroshock test device for the electronic equipment in the payload of a satellite

Characteristic analysis of the shock response spectrum (SRS) for the electronic equipment in the payload of a satellite subjected to pyroshock

Thermoelastic design and analysis for the electronic equipment in the payload of a satellite based on the finite element method

Design of offshore launch complex platform

해상 발사대 플랫폼 설계

A satellite launch service that utilized a mobile ocean-going platform to carry out launches

Cost savings through the utilization of Earth's orbital energy for launches

Enhancing safety by minimizing proximity to densely populated areas and structures

Development of space launch vehicles 

우주 발사체와 핵심 장치 설계와 해석

Thermo-mechanical simulation for a mechanical connecting unit for oxidizer supplies

Mechanical deformation using flexible multi-body dynamic (MBD) models 

Thermal analysis based on finite element anlaysis (FEA)

Development of launch complex for KSLV-II 

KSLV-II 발사대 설계와 해석

Design and analysis of mechanical components of a launch complex for space launch vehicles

Kinematic analysis of a vehicle holding device (VHD) for a space launch vehicle